DVPP Staff Award 2023

  • Tech2U Classroom Support Team 

    The Tech2U Classroom Support Team in Learning Space Management (LSM) is the recipient of the Innovative Team of the Year Award for its creative contributions in classroom technical support. Members of the team are Ian Campbell, Steven Eliopoulos, Amy Forsey, Reme Jennings, Nickolas Joy, Albert Jung, Anna Menezes, Swati Naidu, James Nightingale, Devyn Nugent, Matthew […]

  • Punita Lumb 

    Punita Lumb is the recipient of the Emerging Leader Award for her exceptional leadership and dedication to creating equitable, diverse, and inclusive (EDI) spaces for spiritual exploration at the University of Toronto’s Multi Faith Centre. As Associate Director of the Multi Faith Centre for Spiritual Study & Practice Punita has taken several steps to promote […]

  • Nicole Grignard

    Nicole Grignard is the recipient of the Caring Community Award for her extraordinary service to students through her support of operations within the three Student Life departments: Academic Success, Career Exploration & Education, and Housing Services.   As the Front Desk Coordinator, Nicole is a leader, advocate, problem solver, and “the colleague that holds the space […]

  • Josh Hass 

    Josh Hass is the recipient of the Innovative Service Award for his deep commitment to student engagement and student success, keen problem-solving abilities, and collaborative approach.   As Coordinator of Student Policy Initiatives in the Office of the Vice-Provost, Students, Josh plays a vital role in the oversight of university policy related to U of […]

  • SGS Data Dashboards Projects Team 

    The SGS Data Dashboards Projects Team is the recipient of the Collaborative Team of the Year Award for its extraordinary contributions in graduate data transparency at the University. The Team, consisting of members from the School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and Planning & Budget (P&B), include Brian Desrosiers-Tam (Assistant Dean and Team Lead, SGS), Grace […]