Reviews, Academic Planning and Academic Change
This working group will consider principles and processes for:
- Reviewing Faculty of Arts & Science programs and courses administered by colleges and for-credit programming in association with the colleges
- How reviews inform academic and strategic planning across multiple entities
- Proposing, modifying and discontinuing for-credit offerings associated with the colleges
- Academic staffing for-credit offerings associated with the colleges (both College and Faculty appointed)
The group will also consider the role of the colleges in:
- Supporting first year academic experience and pathways to academic programs
- Supporting interdisciplinary programs, research, and other activities
- Graduate for-credit offerings
- For-credit offerings for students in first-entry divisions other than the Faculty of Arts & Science
- The role of Fellows in supporting the above.
The Reviews, Academic Planning and Academic Change Working Group will include the following members:
- Susan McCahan, Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education (Chair) (On leave January 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021)
- Mark Schmuckler, Acting Vice-Provost, Academic Programs and Vice-Provost, Innovations in Undergraduate Education (Acting Chair while Professor McCahan is on leave)
- Angela Esterhammer, Principal, Victoria College
- Poppy Lockwood, Vice-Dean, Faculty of Arts & Science
- Cheryl Shook, Assistant Principal and Registrar, Woodsworth College
- Nicholas Terpstra, Interim Chair, Department of Italian Studies, Faculty of Arts & Science
- Vincent Tropepe, Chair, Department of Cell and Systems Biology, Faculty of Arts & Science
- Support: Daniella Mallinick, Director, Academic Programs, Planning & Quality Assurance; Jane Harrison, Director, Office of the Vice-Provost, Faculty & Academic Life
Related Documents & Resources
Materials related to the Working Group will be posted here as they become available.